Keywords in C language | Reserved words in C language

In our previous article, We discussed about the character set in c language. In today’s article, We will discuss about Reserved words or Keywords in C Programming language.
Keywords in C Language:
There are some words in C programming like The if, while, int, etc. which have a predefined meaning for the C compiler. These words are known as Reserved words or Keywords.
Keywords Examples :
int, float, double,
We have 32 Keywords in the C Programming Language.
These keywords have predefined meaning for compiler and The Compiler know the functionality of each keyword. So we can’t use these keywords for other purposes in a C Programming.
For Example, int is a keyword. And compiler knowns that int should be used for creating an Integer variable. so we can’t use this 'int' keyword for any other purpose. Likewise We can’t name a variable with 'int' because int is a keyword.
All keywords are in Lowe case letters. As C Language is Case sensitive language. Make sure to use lower case letter properly to avoid compilation errors.
We can not use any keyword name for naming Variables, Functions, etc.Â
📢. There are few rules which we need to follow while naming the identifiers, We have discussed about those rules in the following article, Please check for more info – Identifiers in C language | Rulers for defining Identifiers in C language – SillyCodes
List of Keywords in C Programming Language:
As we discussed earlier, The C programming language have 32 Keywords or Reserved words. Here is the list.
auto | double | int | struct |
break | else | long | switch |
case | enum | register | typedef |
char | extern | return | union |
const | float | short | unsinged |
continue | for | signed | void |
default | goto | sizeof | volatile |
do | if | static | while |
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[…] Please look at the following article to learn more about the all Keywords in C Language – Keywords in C language | Reserved words in C language – SillyCodes […]