Installing latest nodejs in Debain 8/7 or Ubuntu 16.04/14.04

Latest Nodejs versions are not yet included in the official Repositories, So we need to download the desired nodejs setup script. That will add the nodejs to our local repository, Then We can install the Latest NodeJS. Let’s get started.

Steps to Install the Nodejs 6_X:

Please run the following commands to install the nodejs 6_x version.

Installing latest nodejs in Debain 8 or Ubuntu 16.04

Then run the following command to install the nodejs

Install latest nodejs using apt get in debain

Now you can check the installed NodeJS and npm or node package manager versions using following commands

Check the nodejs version and npm version

Steps to install the Node.js v7:

Please run the following commands one by one to install the nodejs 6_x version.

Sample Output:

Now run the following command to install the NodeJS version 7_X

Sample Output:

Now, Check the installed nodejs version and NPM versions.

That’s it. You successfully installed the Latest Nodejs in your Linux Machine.



Hi Guys, I am Venkatesh. I am a programmer and an Open Source enthusiast. I write about programming and technology on this blog.

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