Installing OpenSIPS from the Debian Package on Ubuntu 14.04 and Debian 8 jessie
Installing OpenSIPS on Debian / Ubuntu:
OpenSIPS is not included in the Ubuntu Official Repositories. So we need to add it exclusively. Let’s start by adding OpenSIPS apt repo.
Adding Repo link:
Create one new file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opensips.list and paste the repo link you selected in above step.
Adding the archive key:
The key of the archive is in the key.asc file. You should add the key using something like this:
Note: Run the below command as root user.
wget -qO – | apt-key add –apt-get update
Installing OpenSIPS from Debian Package:
apt-get install opensips
Above command only installs Opensips core, if you want to use MySQL database with Opensips you need to install opensips MySQL module using the following command.
apt-get install opensips-mysql-module
OpenSIPS Available Modules:
apt-get install opensips opensips-mysql-module opensips-postgres-module opensips-unixodbc-module / opensips-jabber-module opensips-cpl-module opensips-radius-modules opensips-presence-modules / opensips-xmlrpc-module opensips-perl-modules opensips-snmpstats-module opensips-xmpp-module / opensips-carrierroute-module opensips-berkeley-module opensips-ldap-modules opensips-geoip-module / opensips-regex-module opensips-identity-module opensips-b2bua-module opensips-dbhttp-module opensips-console
If you want to Install Opensips from SOURCE CODE refer my  article on Installing OpenSIPS from Source Code.
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