Procedural vs Structured Programming Languages

In today’s article, We are going to discuss about the differences between the Procedural vs Structured Programming Languages.
Procedural vs Structured programming Langauges:
         Programming language is a language that consists of instructions designed for the computers. The Processors only understands machine code as it reaches in the series of 0’s and 1’s, also known as binary data.
Machine code is difficult to understand, and thus various programming languages are being used which are more understandable and easy than the machine code and also provides greater portability.
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Procedural Programming Languages:
Procedural Programming languages, Programs are in such a way that the program executes statement by statement, reading and modifying a shared memory.
The program communicate with the OS are through a set of procedure, or function, which in turn is a group of specific instructions executed one after the other.
The data was quite separate from the procedures and the challenge was to keep track of the order in which the functions are called and what data was changed.
Ex: Pascal, Fortran , COBOL, etc.
Structured Programming languages:Â
       Structured Programming Languages are based on the top down methodology in which a system is further divided into subsystem these are Typically Called as Functions. The structured programming concept was formalised in the year 1966 by Corrado Böhm and Giuseppe Jacopini.
Structured programming is not only limited to the top down approach. It employs methods using:
- Top down analysis for problem solving: It focuses on dividing the problem into sub parts and hence simplifies the problem solving.
- Modularisation for program structure and organisation: It organizes large instructions by breaking them into separate and smaller section of modules, sub routines and subprograms.
- Structured code for the individual modules Control structures are used to determine the exact order in which the set of instructions are to be executed.Â
- By Introducing Modularity maintaining of Code and Debugging of Codes is became Easy.and Readability of Code also Increased.
Ex: C Programming Language
However Structural Approach is Better than the Traditional Procedural Oriental Approach we also have Object Oriented Approach ( It have more advantages then above two approaches, Anyway we are Discussing about C Language so it is out of Scope of This Tutorial )
Disadvantages of Structural Oriented Approach :
          We can not realize Real world situations I mean where data is more Important like Banking Situations. We cannot develop Banking Related Applications by using C because C handles data in two ways one is Local and Other one Global,.. so it is unsecured way of Dealing such Important Data.
- You May Like : Basic Elements of C Language.
This is Tutorial was Submitted By Janardan Reddy.
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